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Leading God's People Find Their Way
To Heavenly Father's House

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Pastor David Hoi 許朝良牧師

Lead Pastor 主任牧師

許朝良牧師成長於曾為葡萄牙所管治的殖民地澳門。 一九八三年清楚蒙召全職事奉神,在『澳門聖經學院』(Macau Bible College) 接受裝備。畢業後在澳門東亞大學(University of East Asia, Macau) 深造一年,期間在該地牧養教會。一九八八年到美國『基督工人神學院』(Christian Witness Theological Seminary) 深造,畢業後在灣區傳道直到如今。從澳門到美國硅谷兩地共牧養教會三十載。

許牧師在澳門期間曾任『四方福音會』(Macau Foursquare Gospel Church)的傳道四年,最後兩年擔任該教會的堂主任一職。在美國『佳音基督教會』(Gospel Chinese Christian Church, USA) 任傳道及牧師助理五年。一九九六年加入『宣聖會新生命堂』(New Life Church of the Nazarene in Cupertino),在該教會創建中文堂事工並任中文部牧師23年。今年2020 與一班有同樣感動的同工創立『頌恩堂宣聖會』(Loving Grace Church of the Nazarene),並任該教會的主任牧師。 


教牧團: 許朝良牧師 (Pastor David Hoi), 吳偉牧師 (Pastor Sam Ng), 鄭敦仁博士 (Dr. Fred Cheng), 居理亮傳道 (Preacher Li Liang Ju)

教會秘書:葛菁 (Jing Ko 許師母)

Pastor David grew up in Macau, a colony that was once governed by Portugal. In 1983, he received a vivid calling to serve God full-time and started his theological training at the Macau Bible College. After graduating, he studied at the University of East Asia (Macau) for one year, during which time he shepherded various churches in Macau. In 1988, he went to Christian Witness Theological Seminary in the United States to further his study. After graduating, he began his ministry in the Bay Area to this day. Between Macau and the Silicon Valley, he has been pastoring churches for 30 years.

Pastor David served as a preacher at the Macau Foursquare Gospel Church for four years, and the last two years served as the lead pastor of the church. He was a preacher and also the pastor at the 'Gospel Chinese Christian Church' (USA) for five years. In 1996, he joined the New Life Church of the Nazarene in Cupertino and founded the Chinese ministry where he served as a pastor for 23 years. In 2020, he and a group of like-minded brothers/sisters founded the 'Loving Grace Church of the Nazarene,' where he is serving as the lead pastor.

Our team members include: Pastor David Hoi, Pastor Sam Ng, Dr Fred Cheng, and preacher Li Liang Ju.

Church Secretary: Jing Ko (Mrs. Hoi)

同工團隊 THE TEAM 
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From left to right, Johnson Chiu, Andrew Wong, Pastor Sam Ng, Li-Teh Teng, Jing Hoi, JoAnn Ng, Amy Cheng, Shaw Huang, May Huang, Wayne Tu, Pastor David Hoi.

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